Most amazing psychological facts 😱😱part 3
1. After death a person 7 minutes of brain activity in which his life is played in dream sequence.
2. If a guy cries for you than no one can love you more than him.
3. People who blush easily are more generous and trustworthy.
4. People who cry easily are more honest and soft hearted.
5. If a guy gives you his password and phone easily then marry him.
6. Womens need more sleep as they use more of their brain.
7. Men and women experience same amount of emotions but Womens are more honest about them.
8. Music can help a person recover from depression.
9. When two people who love each look into each other's Eyes then their heartbeat syncs together.
10. If you are in love with two people at the same time then choose the second one because if you really love the first you have not fallen for the second.
These psychology facts can really help you in real life then please do comment if you like them.
Good one , Informative