Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Amazing psychology facts part 8

 Amazing psychology facts part 8

people questions good things believe bad things without a seconds

1. People who pretend not to care are the one who cares the most.
2. People who stay up  late at night are more creative, then the people sleeps early.
4. Every person has three lives social life , personal life and secret life.
5. A person who truly loves you never let you go no matter how hard it is.
6. If you really want to get something wait for it because it is difficult wait but this more difficult  to regret.
7. Music increases your brain organisation.
8. Psychology says , before you sleep 90% of your mind begins to imagine the stuff you would like to happen.
9. Emotional pain has more impact on your behaviour then physical pain.
10. Scientist says that children inherit their intelligence from their mother.

Now a advice πŸ˜„ -

Fall for someone's eyes they are the only thing that never change

1 comment:

Amazing psychology facts part 1

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