Saturday, 31 July 2021

20 Sarcastic Quotes About Friends


20 Sarcastic Quotes About Friends That Are Hilarious!

Friends, we've all got them, and we all love them. The best thing about having friends is that you can say absolutely anything about them, and they'll still love you.   
The art of conversation among friends is all about the sarcasm. We've got our Sarcastic T Shirts that everyone loves, and you can tell how much of a friend you have, with how much sarcasm you have with them.

Here's the best sarcastic quotes about friends that you'll find hilarious! They're all relatable, and you and your best mates will love these.

Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.

Good friends don't let their friends do stupid stuff alone.

Never let you best friends get lonely. Keep annoying them.

I love my phone because all my friends live inside it.

Friends come and go but enemies remain and build up.

True friends don't just each other. They judge other people together.

If you have crazy friends you have everything that you'll ever need.

Good friends are like stars. You can't always see them, but you'll know that they're there.

You and I aren't friends. We are our own small gang.

When our phones fall we panic. When our friends fall, we laugh.

So I changed my Facebook name to benefits. So when you add me it says: You are friends with benefits.

Best friends know how stupid and crazy you are, but will still be seen in public with you.

A true friend: Someone who asks for your advice, and does the complete opposite.

When I said how stupid you can be, it wasn't a challenge.

You suck less than most people.

Friends are like boobs. Some are big. Some are small. Some are real. Some are fake.

A friend will help you up when you fall down. A best friend will laugh at you so much they'll fall down too.

Everybody has the right to be stupid. But you're abusing the privilege.

Friends cheer you up with comforting words. Best friends cheer you up with sarcasm.

Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile, and call you something even more offensive.

And there you have it, 20 sarcastic quotes about friends. Share these with your besties and they'll find them really funny.

Which quote sums up your friendship the most? There's so many to choose from

Thursday, 29 July 2021

47 Interesting psychology facts about human behavi


47 Interesting psychology facts about human behavior

psychology facts about human behavior

 47 mindblowing psychology facts about human behavior.

Psychology is the best god-gifted interesting thing we got in our world.

Ever wondered how the human mind thought process works?

Psychology studies can help you to understand yourself and others in a better way.

Psychology helps us to know the emotion, feeling, behavior, perception, personality, of other people in a better way.

  • A psychological study revealed that 73 percent of people get their best creative ideas in the shower.

long lasting friendship facts

  • Psychologist says Chocolate, sex, and laughter are all important to a healthy brain.

Psychology facts about life

  • Psychology fun facts: 54 percent first-borns believe they are more responsible than their younger siblings, while 46 percent of younger siblings claim they are funnier.

people questions good things believe bad things without a seconds

  • A study shows that living in a place with high water visibility is significantly linked to lower levels of psychological distress.

your mind spends 70 percent of time replaying memories

  • Psychology facts about dreams: When you fly in your dreams, psychology says that you have a desire to express creativity & break out of your normal life.


  • Psychologist says, People who feel like they’re on a team, even when they’re working on their own, have increased intrinsic motivation compared to true loners.

appear more attractive to other person by telling funny things

  • The word “impossible” has dropped in use by 50% over the last hundred years.

Psychology facts about girl

  • If you have a song stuck in your head, one of the best ways to get it out of your head is to chew gum, according to study.


  • Friendship psychology: If a friendship lasts longer than 7 years, psychologists say it will last for a lifetime.interesting facts about people color choice
  • Psychology facts about love: A study finds that making fun at your other half makes your relationship strong. And it’s the inside jokes between couples which cement a bond. 
    amazing facts about innocent people
  • Women psychology: Women tend to feel loved when talking face-to-face with their partners, while men feel emotionally close when they work. Play, or talk side-by-side. 

interesting facts about smiling of boys and girls

  • Your taste in music can be an indicator of how smart or dumb you are.

orange smell relieves stress

  • Despite the world’s population increasing by about 2 lakh people every day, humans now feel more alone than ever before.

amazing facts about human behavior

  • Cool psychology facts: Having a pet in the office while working can help reduce stress and increase productivity, according to a study by Virginia commonwealth university.flirting is an effective way to reduce stress and loneliness
  • Dentists often have aquariums in their offices because they’ve been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Aquariums also reduce insomnia and high blood pressure effectively.

friends have lot of memory together

  • Relationship Psychology: Couple who go on a honeymoon are 41% less likely to file for divorce according to research conducted by a law firm in Sandiego.
    Psychological facts about girls
  •  Looking at cute pictures of animals while working can make you more productive.

late night people are creative and intelligent

  • Cuddling releases natural painkillers, oxytocin. It decreases headaches significantly. 

facts about human behavior

  • According to a study, your attractiveness cannot be increased or decreased by changing your facial expression.

psychology facts on love

  • Students psychology on jobs: A survey found that 85% of recent college grads are confident they’ll find work in their chosen field, but about two-thirds actually will.

average man gets bored during a shopping trip with wife

  • When kids see their father do things like cook and clean, they’re less likely to fall into stereotypical gender roles themselves.

sad mood indicate that you're missing someone

  • Your mind can sense someone staring at you even while sleep.

psychology facts about boys

  • An estimated 10-35 percent of the population has a photic sneeze reflex. A reflex that causes them to sneeze when suddenly exposed to bright light, such as sun or camera flashes

Saturday, 24 July 2021

16 Psychology Facts About Flirting Worth Knowing


16 Psychology Facts About Flirting Worth Knowing

Studies show that men tend to think that every woman who smiles at them is into them, women on the other hand, usually don’t even notice it when a man is checking her out or finds her attractive. This is because women are brought up as modest creatures while men are raised as superior, dominant and tend to see more sex in their environment.

1. Smelling Good

This may sound a little out of the ordinary but did you know that your scent causes a flirting effect? Yep! Studies show that scents like lavender, baby cream, dried fruit, and cheap tanning lotions can play with a man’s emotion and stir up all kinds of feelings.

2. Red vs Pink

Research shows that wearing red lipstick while talking to a man will make him stare at your lips for more than 7.3 seconds and become mesmerized. Pink lipstick on the other hand will only keep him staring for a little over 6 seconds. Better get out that bright red hue if you want to flirt with that secret crush of yours.

3. Hair Flip

Another common nonverbal form of flirting by women is the hair flip! Research shows that women tend to do the hair flip more than once during a conversation with someone they find attractive or they want to flirt with. Get the message guys the next time a gal flips those locks!

4. Effective Over Attractive

Did you know that the more effective you are in flirting the better your chances of making your crush fall for you? Yes, research shows that when it comes to flirting, effective will always win over attractive. This means that you can make anyone fall for you by saying the right words even if you are not attractive at all!

5. Women Are To Blame

Did you know that over 90% of the time women are the ones who initiate flirting! Yep! Studies show that men usually only pursue women who send out flirting signals so even though we think of men as MEN, women should be blamed for men straying!

6. Making Eye Contact

Did you know that making eye contact with someone you are attracted to will make them take interest in you? Yes, making eye contact is an ancient nonverbal form of flirting that people have used to establish interest. The tip is to watch and see if the person you are making eye contact with actually has dilated pupils when looking back at you. If he or she does, it means that they are interested as well.

7. Humor

You don’t always have to work hard at making someone fall in love with you or get attracted to you, sometimes just a little humor will do the trick. This type of flirting is the easiest of them all and seems to work very well on almost anyone. Studies show that humor greatly influences how close you are to your partner or making someone like you. Being funny is attractive and can be used as an icebreaker in intense situations.

8. Playing Hard To Get

Playing hard to get is an unconscious form of flirting and it is one that is commonly used by millions around the world. People want what they can’t have and if a man thinks that he can’t have you, the more he will want you. Research shows that playing hard to get creates an illusion of scarcity which makes a person seem more valuable.

9. Smiling

Studies show that women who smile more are found to be more attractive than those that don’t. Smiling at a man will make him feel at ease around you and create feelings of warmness towards you. If you really want to be with someone and can’t stand to go the extra mile with flirting, try smiling, it may do the trick!

10. Brooding

Studies show that while men find women who smile attractive over women who don’t. women on the other hand find men who brood extremely attractive over men who smile. Men who are serious have a bad boy attitude and look about them that women can’t seem to get enough of!

11. Mirroring Body Language

Research suggests that people tend to mirror the body language of others they find attractive or those they are in agreement with. If you find that someone is copying your actions constantly, it means that they are into you or trying to flirt with you. This is a clear sign of invitation. Also, 55% of flirting is actually body language.

12. Talking Smoothly

Changing the tone of your voice when talking to someone you find attractive is another type of flirting that so many people use to make another fall for them! Studies show that talking smoothly is preferred and calming compared to speaking in a high pitched voice. Varying your tone and choosing the right words is the way to go the next time you are out flirting!

13. Pigeon Toes

One of the best ways to notice right away if someone is interested in you is by watching the toes. Research shows that if a person’s feet are pointing towards each other during a conversation with you, it means that the person is approachable and open to your advances. With that being said, if the feet are pointing away from each other, it means that they are not interested.

14. Time And Place Matters

Studies show that to be successful in flirting, you will need to choose the right time and place to do it. This is because every situation sets its own mood. If you want to get positive responses when flirting, try doing it at parties, celebrations, and social organizations instead of at a restaurant while someone is eating or at a church while someone is worshiping.

15. Healthy

Did you know that flirting actually has an impact on your health? Yep! Research shows that people who flirt are healthier than people who don’t! Believe it or not, studies show that the T-cells count in people who flirt regularly is higher. T-cells are white blood cells that are a vital part of our body’s immune system.

16. The Weather Matters

Did you know that the weather plays a very important role in the success of your flirting actions? Yes, studies show that men are very good at flirting when the sun is hot and shining while women are in a better mood and easily approachable as well. Now that you know this little secret fact, try flirting the next time you are out on the beach

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

25 Surprising Facts About Phone Addiction

25 Surprising Facts About Phone Addiction 


For like clockwork that you spend chatting on the telephone, you definitely increment the danger of mind malignant growth. Would you like to know by the amount you're expanding that danger? 

I'll return to that in a moment, above all, let me disclose to you this: cell phones are habit-forming. 

A large portion of us will wind up taking a gander at our cell phones for the majority of the day, regardless of whether intentionally or something else. 

Some of the time, we may likewise want to take a gander at our telephones, despite the fact that we realize that there won't be any notices to check. 

1. 40% of the populace is dependent on their cell phones 

Individuals are progressively getting dependent on their cell phones. 

As per an article on brain science today, 40% of the American populace experiences this fixation. 

On top of this, 58% of men and 47% of ladies experience the ill effects of Nomophobia, for example the dread of being without a cell phone. 

Also, the 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits assessed that 12% of the clients utilize their telephones while they are in the shower. 

2. The vast majority can't endure one day without their telephones 

Telephones have become a need for the greater part of individuals. 

44% individuals have expressed that they become extremely restless when they lose their telephones and become phoneless for a whole week. 

The dread of losing or being without a cell phone, for example Nomophobia, really exists and influences numerous individuals. 

Peruse more about telephone compulsion: why are individuals consistently on their telephones, why cells ought not be permitted in school, telephones kill connections, wireless radiation consequences for the mind, and phone impacts on wellbeing. 

3. Individuals regularly take their telephones all over the place, even to the washroom 

An examination directed showed that 91% of the Gen-Ys took their telephones to the washroom to utilize it. 

The examination likewise showed that while more ladies (76%) utilized their cell phones in the restroom when contrasted with men (74%), men were more connected to their telephones when contrasted with ladies. 

4. The vast majority will continually check their telephones without reason 

Individuals tend to check their telephones with no explanation, particularly when they are dependent. 

Regardless of having checked their telephones around two seconds prior, they will in general have a desire to check it once more. 

A great many people would just keep their mobile phones in their grasp and continue to turn the screen on to ensure that they have not passed up any warning, call, or message. 

In certain cases, they will continue to turn the screen on out of fatigue or propensity. 

5. Most telephone addicts will encounter ghost vibrations 

Ghost vibrations or ringing is a deception that your telephone is ringing or has gotten a warning, despite the fact that it has not. 

About 80% individuals have encountered bogus vibrations and around 30% have heard ringing that basically didn't exist. 

The more an individual uses their telephone, the more probable they will experience such apparition vibrations. 

Is it true that you are dependent on your telephone? 

6. 80% of 18 to 24-year-olds lay down with their telephones directly close to them 

Dozing directly close to mobile phones has become a typical pattern, particularly among more youthful individuals. 

This shows how strongly individuals need their telephones with them consistently, and when their telephone isn't with them, they experience the ill effects of partition uneasiness. 

For individuals who have their telephones directly close to them while they are dozing, the first and last thing they do after they awaken and before they rest, in the greater part of the cases, is check their telephones. 

7. Most telephone addicts neglect how living in reality resembles 

The vast majority of the telephone addicts totally cut themselves off from reality and hence limit collaborations with individuals and other genuine encounters. 

They see the world through their telephones and associate less. 

This keeps them from making their lives somewhat better or enjoying different exercises that may really be fun and reviving for them. 

8. An examination demonstrated that guardians who invest more energy with their telephones have a more noteworthy inclination to yell at their kids 

Aside from this inclination, guardians who are dependent on their telephones are additionally bound to invest a greater amount of their energy on it rather than investing time with their children. 

This can cause expanded disappointment in the youngsters, who then, at that point take out this dissatisfaction in an unexpected way. 

They can likewise turn out to be profoundly grumpy therefore, since they search for consideration from their folks. 

9. A normal individual checks their telephone multiple times/day, while the more dependent check their telephones as much as multiple times/day 

We are gradually and bit by bit seeing a pattern towards phone compulsion and this pattern will just conceivable expansion later on. 

Most addicts tend to check their telephones regardless of whether they have not been hoping to get any notice or approach it. 

Now and again, individuals would turn their telephone screens on because of fatigue or when they don't have anything else to do. 

10. 1 of every 3 portable proprietors would prefer to surrender sex than their telephones 

A portion of individuals even use PDAs while engaging in sexual relations. 

Such measurements are very astonishing thinking about that individuals can't take care of their telephones for even a second. 

This likewise shows that these individuals consider the utilization of mobile phones more significant than different exercises in their lives. 

It is safe to say that you are dependent on your telephone? 

11. 95% of individuals have expressed that they text, peruse the web, or stare at the TV in the prior hour at last nodding off 

Innovation is dominating, and extremely soon this is all that individuals will do. 

Telephone use, just prior to nodding off has expanded definitely, which isn't acceptable since the propensity can influence rest designs. 

In the vast majority of the cases, the first and the last thing that individuals will do when they awaken and just before they nod off is utilize their PDAs. 

This conduct isn't solid and can prompt numerous issues, including those identified with wellbeing. 

12. 1 of every 4 individuals won't take care of their telephones on quiet prior to going 

These are individuals who then, at that point need to awaken in the night at whatever point they get a notice or get a call. 

They would prefer not to pass up a solitary chance to connect with individuals on their telephones. 

To them, their cells are unmistakably more significant than rest, to such an extent that they would not dare put their telephones on quiet while they plan to nod off. 

13. 1 out of 2 individuals say that in the event that they awaken in the night with no explanation, they will check their telephones 

At the point when these individuals arbitrarily awaken in the evening, they will undoubtedly check their telephones prior to nodding off once more. 

This desire to check their telephone will be with no explanation in the greater part of the cases. 

Individuals like consistent action on their telephone, and now and again they anticipate that messages or other notifications should be on their telephones when they check it. 

14. 63% of individuals who use devices before their sleep time have expressed that they didn't get appropriate rest during the week 

Any sort of innovation utilize just before sleep time can disturb rest. 

Subsequently, it is ideal to fend telephones off when it is time to turn in. Notwithstanding, the greater part of individuals rest directly close to their cells with a significant number of them having the desire to utilize them before at last nodding off. 

15. Phone habit ruins connections 

Analysts tracked down that steady utilization of telephones can be terrible for connections. 

Aside from this, mobile phone dependence is additionally exceptionally irritating and is regularly considered as discourteous conduct, particularly when in the organization of others.

Amazing psychology facts part 1

Psychology facts you must read๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Here are some psychology facts that would simply amaze you. These facts are really helpful in your real life. Women are more mature than men...